Versions Compared


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  1. Executing complete test case on one of the platforms i.e desktop web or mobile web:

    1. If you want to execute complete test case on mobile platform, Goto Go to Qualitia Settings - > Configuration Settings - > Mobile Tab - > “Check Select the Execute on Mobile Web”Web check box.

    2. If you want to execute complete test case on desktop platform, Goto Go to Qualitia Settings - > Configuration Settings - > Mobile Tab - > “Uncheck deselect the Execute on Mobile Web”Web check box.


      Your UI object locators should be same across desktop web and mobile web. This will ensure that ensures single object can be identified on both interfaces consistently.

  2. Executing test case partially on Desktop web and partially on mobile web:

    1. The default web execution platform (Execute on Mobile Web) setting determines whether your test case is going to be executed on desktop Desktop web or mobile Mobile web.

    2. Whenever you want to dynamically switch the execution platform within a test case, use SwitchWebExecutionPlatform(“DESKTOP”) or SwitchWebExecutionPlatform(“MOBILE”) action in test case / task step.

    3. Along with SwitchWebExecutionPlatform, you will also need to use OpenURL(“URL”) action.

    4. All the steps that appear after above 2 actions (viz. SwitchWebExecutionPlatform and OpenURL), will be executed on the platform you have specified in SwitchWebExecutionPlatform.

    5. Refer to the following example for knowing to know the general workflow of switching web execution platform. You can use this action as per your requirements.

Qualitia Test CaseImage Modified

In above example, let's assume that default web execution platform configured is Desktop.

  1. OpenURL action: This action will open opens specified URL in the Desktop browser specified in the config since our default web execution platform is Desktop.

  2. Google Search Box - Click. The search box object will be clicked on the desktop browser

  3. SwitchWebExecutionPlatform(“MOBILE”): This will let Qualitia know that you want to execute further steps on Mobile browser.

  4. OpenURL: Specify the URL you want to open on mobile browser. In this example, we are using the same google URL. You can use any URL as per your need. The specified URL will open in Mobile browser.

  5. Google Search Box - Click. The search box object will be clicked on the mobile browser.

titleTech Tip

For each test case iteration, the current web execution platform value will be RESET TO DEFAULT. In this particular example, if you use second iteration, the web execution platform will be reset to default “Desktop”.
