Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Qualitia WebDriver 4.1.6 or 5.x.

  • It is strongly recommended to backup Qualitia server databases (Master, Project, and Result Databases).

  • If your MySQL database server is installed on Linux machine, you must ensure that the values of column ProjectName and ProjectDBName names are in the lowercase under Master Project database in the table tblprojects. Entering project names in uppercase may cause failing upgrade process.

  • Ensure port 8887 and 8889 are open and accessible from the machine where you are installing Qualitia Server.

  • If the number of projects to be upgraded is more than 50, you must increase the max_connections limit from MySQL database configuration settings. For more information about increasing the limit, refer to Qualitia Troubleshooting section.

  • Ensure you close all the instances of Qualitia Automation Studio and Internet Explorer before you start the upgrade process.
     If Qualitia Automation Studio is open, the upgrade process closes all the active Qualitia instances. If you have multiple Qualitia instances open, ensure you save the changes and close all the Qualitia instances before you start the upgrade process.For detailed list of prerequisites, refer to the Prerequisites and Configurations section.

  • If you are upgrading from Qualitia v7.2.x and you have projects integrated with TFS/Azure DevOps, you must republish the test cases after you complete the upgrade process. Also, ensure that you reinstall the latest Qualitia Remote Agents v7.2.3.

Project Migration Process

All the projects created before Qualitia v7.2.4 or previous must be updated. Unless you migrate a project, Qualitia does not allow to open the project.

Points to Know:

  • The following are two ways for migrating the projects:

    • Using Project Migration Utility: Downloading the Project Migration Utility through a Public server, and then open it. The Project Migration utility is used for migrating multiple projects.

    • Using Qualitia v7.3.0 client:

In Qualitia v7.3.0, when viewing test cases, if you select an unmigrated project, an error message is displayed in Qualitia that prompts you to migrate the selected project only . Upon clicking Ok of this message, Qualitia guides you for Project Migration. U

  • To have a smooth project migration, ensure the following things:

    • Latest versions of Test case and tasks must be present in the Project path

    • Ensure the Qualitia database is accessible

    • You must update Qualitia to v7.3.0.

  • In each screen of Utility, you have an option to go to the previous screen or cancel the migration process.

To Upgrade Qualitia Projects:

The Migration Utility screen launches, as shown in the following figure:


  • Step 1: From the initial screen, click Next.


If you are using Qualita, click Migrate.

The Master Database server connection opens, as shown in the following figure:


  • Step 2: Enter the database connection details, and then click Next.

    • Database Type: Select the database as SQL Server or MySQL Server.

    • Server Host Name: Enter the server IP address or server name, and its Port Number.

    • Authentication Mode: If you select database as SQL server, select anyone of the following:

      • SQL Server Authentication: If you have credentials to authenticate the SQL server database in which the project is stored.

      • Windows Authentication: If the same credentials that you enter to log into your machine can be used to automatically login into the database.

    • Username: Enter your username to connect to the selected database.

    • Password: Enter your username to connect to the selected database.

    • Master Database Name: Enter the name of the database that contains metadata of all the projects.

    • Qualitia Server URL: Enter the Qualitia Server URL address.


If you have selected Windows Authentication, there is no need to enter username and password.

If you are migrating from Qualitia, this screen is not displayed.

The Projects List screen opens, as shown in the following:


Step 3: Select the projects you want to migrate, and click Next.

Note: When using Qualitia, the Project Selection screen is not applicable.

The Version Tool Details screen opens, as shown in the following figure:


  • Step 4: Select the following Version control tool details:

    • Select a version control tool as SVN or GIT from which the versioning of project artifacts is controlled.

    • If the project is not integrated with a version control tool, then select as None.

    • If you have selected as SVN, from the SVN Client drop-down list, select an SVN version as 1.7, 1.8, or 1.9.

    • Enter the credentials for connecting to the selected version control tool.


If your projects are integrated with Version Control tool, you must enter version control connection details. Otherwise, the latest test cases and tasks would not be replicated in the database.

In case of multiple projects, the Version Control details are asked for every project one-by-one.


The following are three types of failures in migrating projects artifacts:

  • Tasks with missing XML files: Shows the total number of tasks and name of each task that is missing.

  • Test Cases with missing XML files: Shows the total number of test cases and name of each test case that is missing.

  • Test Cases Impacted due to deletion of tasks: Shows number and name of test cases which are affected due to missing of test cases.

Step 4: All you need is to manually add the test cases and tasks xml files into the integrated version control screen.

After you are done with this manual process, click Next.

Step 5: The Project Health Checkup screen opens, as shown in the following figure:


Verification of every project starts in the series.


Verification for a project fails due to the following reasons:

  • The number of Test cases in Project Database and Project path are not equal.

  • Some test cases of a project are locked by users.

  • The DB connection was interrupted.

Step 6: In the case of multiple projects, click the Report link to download the migration report. The report shows why the migration of a project failed or amount of time taken in a project migration.

The report shows the test case and task, along with their IDs and statuses. Also, the reason for a test case or task verification failure.


In case of multiple projects, you can migrate for the projects which were successfully verified.

In case of multiple projects, if no project is verified successfully, a message is prompted that shows that the migration process cannot proceed.

Step 7: Click Next to start the Project Migration process.

The Project Migration progress screen is displayed as shown in the following figure:


The Project Migration Utility takes backup of the project artifacts.

When a project passes, the number of test cases and tasks are displayed along with their names as shown in the following figure:

If all test cases and tasks are migrated successfully, it shows as “All Migrated Successfully”.

  • Step 8: Click Next to exit the Migration Utility or click Previous to go to the previous screen.

Understanding the Error Messages

The following table shows the meaning of error messages that are displayed in the Project Verification Report. The error messages for the test cases and tasks that failed to verify.










This exception is shown when test case size might be large.


From the Health Checkup screen of Migration Utility, click Retry.

Verification restarts from that test case or task mentioned in the excel file.


Testcase.xml/Task.xml not found


When one of the testcase.xml or task.xml is missing from the repository, but the DB entry for that artifact exists.


Qualitia has made significant enhancements in Test Data and Test Case functionalities in its v7.3.0. The time taken for loading and saving a test case along with test data has reduced drastically. The mission accomplishment of improving users work efficiency is remarkable.

To get benefits from this new version, you must upgrade to Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile v7.3.0. Qualitia Automation Studio for Web and Mobile from 5.x,6.x, or 7.x, can be directly upgraded to v7.3.0. After upgrading Qualitia, all the projects must also be migrated to make old test cases and tasks compatible with current Qualitia version. Qualitia would not allow to open the projects unless they are migrated successfully.