Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Data type




  1. var1=2
  2. var1=var2
  3. var1*=1
  4. var1+=2
  5. var1++
  6. var1=var2+2==10

All are invalid as assignment operator is not allowed in expression


  1. ""India"=="India""
  2. ""{var1}"=="{var2}""
  3. India==India
  4. {var1}=={var2}
    (var1 and Var2 are stored variables containing string values)

  1. Valid
  2. Valid
  3. Invalid
    (The string data passed not specified in quotes "" also the whole expression is not inside "")
  4. Invalid
    (Variables containing string data are not specified in quotes "" also the whole expression is not inside "")


  1. 1==1
  2. {var1}=={var2}
  3. ""1"=="1""
  4. ""{var1}"=="{var2}""
    (var1 and Var2 are stored variables containing integer values or numbers)
  1. Valid
  2. Valid
  3. Valid
  4. Valid


  1. 1.254==1.345
  2. {var1}=={var2}
    (var1 and Var2 are stored variables containing Float values)
  1. Valid
  2. Valid


  1. true==true
  2. false==false
  5. {var1}=={var2}
    (where var1 and var2 can have value either true or false)
  1. Valid
  2. Valid
  3. Invalid
    (Boolean values are case sensitive. Boolean values should be passed in small case).
  4. Invalid
  5. Valid

Logical operators

(var1=true , var2=false)

  1. {var1}&&{var2}==false
  2. {var1}||{var2==true
  3. !({var1}&&{var2})==true
  1. Valid
  2. Valid
  3. Valid


  1. 1+1==2
  2. 1-1==0
  3. 2*2==4
  4. 8/2==4
  5. 9%2==1
  1. Valid
  2. Valid
  3. Valid
  4. Valid
  5. Valid

Relational Operators

  1. 1==1
  2. 1!=2
  3. {Var1}<{var2}
  4. {var1}>{var2}
  5. {Var1}<={var2}
  6. {var1}>={var2}
  1. Valid
  2. Valid
  3. Valid
  4. Valid
  5. Valid
  6. Valid

Bitwise Operators

(var1=60 , var2=13)

  1. ({var1}&{var2})==12
  2. ({var1}|{var2})==61
  3. {var1}&{var2}==12
  4. {var1}|{var2}==61
  5. ({var1}^{var2})==49
  6. {var1}^{var2}==49
  7. ~{var1}==-61
  8. ~~{var1}==-61
  9. ~~({var1})==-61
  10. {var1}<<2==240
  11. {var1}>>2==15
  12. {var1}>>>2==15
  1. Valid
  2. Valid
  3. Invalid
    (Outer () are required,otherwise interpretation goes wrong and it may return false)
  4. Invalid
    (Outer () are required,otherwise interpretation goes wrong and it may return false)
  5. Valid
  6. Valid
  7. Invalid
    (~ itself is a qualitia special character)
  8. Valid
    (escape character ~ is followed by complement operator ~)
  9. Valid
  10. Valid
  11. Valid
  12. Valid

Special Characters

Using Qualitia Special characters:

  1. ""a~xyz"== "a~xyz""
  2. ""a~^xyz"== "a~^xyz""
  3. ""a~{xyz"== "a~{xyz""
  4. ""a~{xyz"== "a~{xyz""

Always use escape character ~ before qualitia special characters ~,^,{,}
For any other character no escape character is required.
e.g ""as#gh%ff"==" as#gh%ff""

All are valid

Adding ELSE IF block after IF


Adding A TC Step and Task Step

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Storing Execution Status of TC Step

The execution status of TC step can be stored same as task step.

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IF ELSE Blocks on the Test Cases Screen


You can add the TC or Task condition using the If-Else button from the Testc ases screen.

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To add TC or Task Condition:

  1. Select TC Step/Task after which you wish to add TC level conditional block.
  2. Click Condition >TC Condition > IF
  3. Select IF step of block, click the TC Step button to add TC step.
  4. Select recently added TC Step:
    1. click Condition >TC Condition >ELSE IF to add TC level ELSE IF block.
    2. click Condition >TC Condition > ELSE to add ELSE block.

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Adding Tasks in Test Case Level IF-ELSE Blocks


    1. Select TC Step/Task after which you want to add TC level conditional block.
    2. Click Condition >TC Condition > IF.
    3. Select IF step of block and then click New to add new task or Import to add existing task to the conditional block.
    4. To add Tasks to ELSE-IF or ELSE blocks, select the ELSE-IF or ELSE step of the conditional block and then click New or Import.

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Adding IF-ELSE Blocks to Task in TC
