Note |
Make sure you are pointing to the correct database server when upgrading to the higher version of Qualitia. Pointing to the incorrect database may result in unwanted discrepancies and rework. |
Whats New in Qualitia 4.1.0
Introducing Next Generation Installer
Qualitia is introducing a next generation installer that automatically handles updates and upgrades to Qualitia Software.
MYSQL 5.6 and 5.7 Support
Qualitia now supports MYSQL 5.6 and 5.7.
Ability to Automate Mobile Native, Web, and Hybrid Application Tests
Using Qualitia, you can now automate Android and iOS Mobile (Native, Web and Hybrid) application testing.
Executing Test Cases on Mobile Devices
You can use Qualitia to create and automate test cases on emulators, simulators or Android or iOS physical devices.
Object Type Search
In order to easily identify Qualitia class of the objects being added from the mobile application under test, Qualitia users can now use the class details displayed in the Appium inspector or UIAutomatorViewer. Once class details are added, click the search icon and Qualitia automatically selects the class from the drop-down list.
Bamboo Continuous Tool Integration Support
Along with Jenkins and TeamCity, Qualitia now supports Bamboo CI tool.
Testing Desktop Web Applications on BrowserStack
You can now use BrowserStack testing environment to execute your Offline Package. BrowserStack is a cloud-based cross-browser testing environment that enables testing websites across various browsers on different operating systems without requiring users to install virtual machines.
Testing Mobile Web and Native Applications on Sauce Labs
In addition to Desktop Web applications, you can now use Emulators, Simulators, Android, iOS devices to test Mobile Web and Native applications on the Sauce Labs environment.
Other Product Enhancements
- SVN optimizations during test case and task creation will allow adding new step faster than the previous versions of Qualitia.
- In case of any fatal error, the test case will now fail faster with an appropriate user-friendly communicative message, without executing unnecessary test case or task steps.
- Once new Test Case, Task, or Object is created, Qualitia will highlight the same in the left pane scrolling to the newly added Test Case, Task, or Object. This will save Qualitia users time to manually search and validate the newly created Test Case, Task, or Object in the left pane.
- The operations like saving and loading Test Cases, Tasks, and Objects have been optimized especially for multi-user scenarios and when cloud-based Qualitia server is used.
- In case Qualitia takes more than usual time to load the requested screen, an appropriate update status is displayed.
- Qualitia is now moved to .NET Framework 4.5 in order to utilize latest features and improvements.
- You no longer need to restart Qualitia once Configuration Settings are updated. You need to restart Qualitia only when Project Path, Database Server, or SVN related details are updated.
- When working with Configuration Settings window, if user is missing to provide details of any mandatory field, Qualitia highlights such fields with red color for easy identification with appropriate comprehensive message.