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Comment: Reverted from v. 1


The test execution report displays a detailed summary of the test execution performed of a specific suite. It includes Project Name, Suite Name, Build Number, Release Number, Iteration, Start Time of the Execution, End Time of the Execution, Passed Test Cases, Failed Test Cases, Not Executed Test Cases, and Defected Test Cases. The percentage of test cases for each status is shown in the form of a donut chart in the header section of the report. The grid view of the Summary Report can be filtered to show test cases for a specific status by either selecting the particular donut slice for that status from the donut chart or by the Filter available on the Status column header in the grid report.

The details log gets generated during execution process which is integrated within the execution report to quickly analyse analyze the results and identify application defects and resolve automation failures. It also displays a tabulated tree list of test cases associated with the executed suite. This list includes Name of the Test Case, Execution Status, Scenario, Task and Step details (Object and Action), and so forth.


The tree can be expanded/collapsed at every test case level to view/hide the task and steps within a test case. Navigation controls have been provided in the top right section of this Detailed Report that will allow the user to traverse through the tasks and steps corresponding to Defect or Fail status in the grid section of the report. Clicking on any particular step in the report will navigate to the logs information specific to that step to analyse analyze the results.

It displays Info Log, Error Log, and Debug Log on the bottom pane of the screen. The log sections can be shown/hidden from the button provided for the same at the top right section of the screen.

The following table describes the details of columns appear in report.
